five stage linear process flow PowerPoint template
five stage linear process flow PowerPoint template
Six Stage Linear Process Flow Powerpoint Keynote
five stage linear process flow PowerPoint template
five stage linear process flow PowerPoint template
Six Stage Linear Process Flow Powerpoint Keynote

5 Stage Linear Process Flow PowerPoint Template

To add spark to your PowerPoint presentation, we come up with five stage linear process flow PowerPoint template. Linear process is a horizontal timeline layout. The process flow diagram template diagrammatically illustrates the steps involved in a process. Linear process flow slide is a creative and complex template with five circles and a line going simultaneously over and under the circles to form a horizontal wave. The template shows the interconnection of the steps through an ongoing line. The template design looks like a crawling snake. Using our ppt template, you can spotlight sales strategies, marketing ideas, innovation process, production process, etc.  It’s a multi-purpose PowerPoint template, the user an present process flow or even can create a project timeline.

The five-stage linear process flow template consists of five circles which appear in blue, black, yellow and orange colors and the line also take the same colors as the circles, and they are in constant motion moving forward and connected. Each circle is interconnected via a ribbon-like structure which moves up and down circle resembling like a snake diagram. Above and beneath each circle, is a small text box to write a brief description of the topic chosen to represent each circle. There are also three text boxes numbered at the bottom of the template to write brief details on the same. The prime advantage of this template is its easy and simple customization option. All graphics used in the template is vector in PowerPoint. The presenter can just modify the color, size, orientation, fonts, etc.  The five-stage linear process flow PowerPoint template and keynote is available in the black and white background, and you may use this to represent a method, process flow, a classification, a cycle, product variations, brands and the like. The template will be novel and create excitement in the audience while making the presentation. Download our Five stage linear process template and give a blazing performance with your stunning presentation.

You can access more Process Flow PowerPoint Templates here Grab the free ppt now!