Four and Six Section Circle Diagram Template for PowerPoint and Keynote
Six section Circle Diagram
Four and Six Section Circle Diagram Template for PowerPoint and Keynote
four section Circle Diagram
four section Circle Diagram
Four and Six Section Circle Diagram Template for PowerPoint and Keynote
Six section Circle Diagram
Four and Six Section Circle Diagram Template for PowerPoint and Keynote
four section Circle Diagram
four section Circle Diagram

Four and Six Section Circle Diagram Template for PowerPoint and Keynote

Four and six section circle diagram template is an infographic PowerPoint of segments in two tone colors.  It is a simple layout with a center circle and indicative dotted lines. Each dotted lines pointing the text zones. In the periphery of the line there is a mini bubble that contains supportive icons for the presentation. The drawing can be used to make business presentation and other type of training presentations based on education and industry. It is also used to provide a detailed description of a product. Product descriptions and the strategy presentation are ideal for this six and four section circle PowerPoint.

The users can customize the slide and insert additional number of sections or delete some, based on presentation requirements. However, this diagram has two variants, so the users can choose either four or six section diagram for their presentation. Moreover, the template is fully editable to change colors and size of objects. For example, select the shape and alter color from shape fill. The infographics icons include; document, gear, bars, box, book and chart either delete or insert new one according to the presentation theme.

Construct an uncluttered template by the Four and Six Section Circle Diagram PowerPoint. It involves of circles organized around a central circle and comes in six and four set variations. The graphics helps to improve the data without overriding them. These circular diagrams have lively, eye-catching colors that easily capture the attention. The template contains random icons to suit any situation. These minimalist icons are shown in white to be easily seen on the colorful circles.  The PowerPoint template is apt for featuring details of a particular process or to even use as contents page which will have detailed descriptions in later slides. It is a visual enhancement of bullet points. Four and Six Section Circle Diagram is available in PowerPoint and Keynote.