
Download free PowerPoint animation whiteboard 

The free whiteboard animation PowerPoint template offers a versatile classroom presentation model suitable for diverse purposes. With its clipboard-inspired design, this template proves valuable for business presentations and agenda discussions, enhanced by animated effects. Particularly effective for conveying descriptive messages, the template ensures a clear and engaging presentation of your content. The design allows for the incorporation of vector effects, enabling the addition of fonts, logos, icons, and other visual elements tailored to specific presentations. The animated effects of this template actively involve the audience, fostering 100% participation and creating an impactful and immersive presentation experience. 

What is animation in PowerPoint? 

Animation in PowerPoint refers to the dynamic movement and transition effects applied to elements within a presentation. It adds visual interest, engagement, and emphasis to the content. PowerPoint provides a range of animation options, allowing users to animate text, images, shapes, and other objects. Entrance animations introduce elements onto the slide, emphasizing their appearance, while exit animations control how elements exit the slide. Motion Path animations enable the movement of objects along specified paths, contributing to a more dynamic presentation style. Users can also employ emphasis animations to draw attention to specific elements during the presentation. Overall, PowerPoint animation enhances storytelling, facilitates information retention, and creates a more visually compelling and interactive presentation experience. 

Free PowerPoint template in animation is created with 100% standard shapes. The users can change the color and style of the whiteboard design for various presentations. The whiteboard style is commonly used for presenting academic content and descriptions. Users can adapt the entire slides as per their specific subjects. The border of the whiteboard is designed in a brownish-yellow combination with handwritten text. These elements create a moving effect to lure the viewer's attention. Download free PowerPoint animation whiteboard and deliver a stunning note for your audience. Also, check out our animated PowerPoint templates.