johari window model
johari model template
johari window model template
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johari window powerpoint template
johari window model template
johari powerpoint presentation template
johari window model
johari model template
johari window model template
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johari window model ppt
johari window powerpoint template
johari window model template
johari powerpoint presentation template

Johari window model is a self-awareness tool developed by Joseph Luft and Harry Ingham in 1955. It is a necessary tool for individuals to improve better communication among groups and social situations. Communication barriers could be erased if you are trying to learn about the Johari model of interaction psychology. This is a quadrant matrix diagram that shows self-development and communication improving components. The Johari window model PowerPoint template is an outstanding creation of the theoretical explanations that ensure the proper dissemination of Johari model communication. It shows four window panes that include the concepts of Open arena, Blind Spot, Unknown area, and Hidden area. 

Each four window panes of the Johari model template signifies personal information, feelings, motivation, and whether that information is known or unknown to oneself or others in four perspectives.

  1. Open arena -  this is “I know, you know” space. There is information both you and the other person know. You and other people will know your skills, talents, feelings, emotions, and views. In these situations, relationships with others will be dynamic and more effective. It will occur when you understand the feedback from another person. This is the main open area where communication occurs. 
  2. Blind Spot - information’s that you are not aware of but other people can see or understand; this is a barrier to self-awareness. It would help if you had proper feedback from others to understand yourself or your behavior. 
  3. Hidden area or façade - things that are known to you but not to others. You know about yourself, but your colleagues or interaction groups doesn’t aware of your attributes. So, it is better to reveal about yourself that could open your arena. 
  4. Unknown area - things which are unaware to yourselves as well as others. This includes the information, feelings, competencies, talents, etc. This can be due to hurtful past experiences or events which can be unknown for a lifetime.

The matrix PowerPoint template of the Johari model window is a psychological analysis tool that professional designers create. Johari window PowerPoint template allows customization. Perhaps that may ensure more appeal sometimes. You can access more powerpoint diagrams here. Grab the free ppt now!