oscar model powerpoint template
oscar coaching presentation ppt
oscar model
oscar coaching model
oscar model ppt
oscar model template
oscar model powerpoint templates
oscar model slide
oscar model powerpoint template
oscar coaching presentation ppt
oscar model
oscar coaching model
oscar model ppt
oscar model template
oscar model powerpoint templates
oscar model slide

OSKAR MODEL POWERPOINT TEMPLATE is a coaching model concept focusing on moulding excellent persons to meet personal and organizational goals. Among different models, OSKAR model coaching is a new concept containing five special focus areas. This is a solution-focused training framework used by all corporate business PowerPoint presentations.

The five-step model OSKAR PowerPoint template contains eight bullet-point slides. However, different design themes aid other presentations in appearance and outlook. You can pick your topics either for business PowerPoint presentations or academic presentations. The stages of the OSKAR COACHING MODEL are the following.

  • Outcome
  • Scale
  • Know-How
  • Affirmation-Action
  • Review


OSKAR model coaching is simple, focused on individuals in the workplace. In the first stage, coaches try to understand what individual’s want to achieve.


The next step is to evaluate or scale how close the individual or team is to achieving that outcome.


This is the stage of understanding of skills, talent, knowledge, and qualification needed to move forward.


This stage focuses on what is working well and what improvements should be added.


In this stage, the coachee reflects on the progress and make suggestions for further improvement.

OSKAR MODEL POWERPOINT TEMPLATE is a common illustration of up to five stages of development. So, you can add this ppt to your generic PowerPoint collection. Further, you can edit shape, size, and colour combinations without hurting the entire theme.